Wellbeing is about connecting the right dots. A united mind, body and soul can work wonders. GCF Reboot focuses on striking an equilibrium between 4 pillars: Wellness, Fitness, Nutrition & Engage. We provide CIO community members an opportunity to interact with the experts from these 4 pillars which can help them imbibe the benefits of an all-round wellbeing. The Global CIO Forum believes in overall wellbeing of CIOs and how they can uplift the life of their colleagues, friends and family.

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Author: GCF Reboot

If you snooze, you…win! The benefits of sleep on employee mental health

A long, well-rested, deep sleep. That glorious feeling of waking up refreshed and rejuvenated after a good snooze. Just picturing that, it seems kind of obvious that better sleep leads to improved mood, better productivity and overall better business. And yet, organisations are still failing to take sufficient action to help their employees get more Zs. But with about 63% of adults worldwide feeling like they’re not getting enough sleep and 1 in 4 people suffering from poor mental health. It’s time to really understand the connection between sleep and mental health then take action. What’s the cost of ignoring mental health...

Money is stressing your people out: A financial wellbeing programme can help

Financial wellbeing matters more to your employees than you might think. Give them the help they need to tackle their finances, and you’ll get a more productive and engaged workforce in return. The holiday season usually gets all the attention when it comes to financial planning. In reality, there are life events, unexpected expenses, and ways for money to stress us out all year. When surveyed, 59% of employees cite financial stress as their top stressor — causing more distress than their job, relationships, or health concerns combined. And when people are stressed, they’re not as productive or engaged at work. No matter the season, financial wellbeing should...